Interested in Certification?
Certification Questions
How long does the process take?
The process can take up to 90 days once we receive a complete file. In that time frame, your file will be reviewed by our Staff and the Certification Committee. Unless Committee requires an in-person Site Visit, a Virtual Site Visit will be conducted. The 90-day time frame begins from the date all documentation has been submitted and accepted as correct by our team. Incomplete applications can delay the certification process. To avoid lapses in certification, certified WBEs are auto-alerted by WBENC Link 2.0 120 days before their certification expires to complete their recertification application.
How long is a company's certification valid?
The certification lasts for one year from the date of issue. WBEs that wish to remain certified must recertify each year. WBEs are encouraged to begin the recertification process 120 days prior to the expiration date.
I am certified by another entity. Why should I get this certification?
What is the fee for certification?
Payments can be made by credit card when submitting the application on WBENCLink or via check or money order payable to WBEC Metro NY and Greater DMV and mailed to the appropriate office. All new certification and recertification applications have a nonrefundable processing fee based on the company’s revenue according to the most recent available tax return or financial statements:
Fees | |
Revenue Category | Nonrefundable Processing Fee |
Under $1 million | $350 |
$1 M < $5 M | $500 |
$5 M < $10 M | $750 |
$10 M < $50 M | $1,000 |
$50M+ | $1,250 |
Are there requirements based on business size or length of time in business to be certifiable?
Who makes the final decision that grants or denies certification?
Documentation Questions
Why do I have to supply my company’s financial information?
What if I don’t have a document that is required?
All documentation must be uploaded in WBENCLink 2.0. The document list is divided into two (2) sections: Mandatory Documents and Required Documents. If a document is listed as “Mandatory”, you must upload the actual document. The only exception to this is for the W2 and/or 1099 requirement if you have been in business less than one year. Documents listed as “Required” that apply to the company must be uploaded or the Not Applicable box must be checked.
What documents are considered as acceptable proof of gender and citizenship?
Who will see the paperwork and documents I submit?
How am I assured of the confidentiality of my documents once I send them?
Other Questions
How do I download my company’s certificate?
To obtain your WBENC Women’s Business Enteprise (WBE) Certificate, please follow the instructions below:
- Go to https://www.wbenclink.org
- Log into your account with your username and password.
- On the left navigation menu, click View>>My Certifications.
- Under the “Current Certifications” section, click on “View” next to the Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) certification.
- Click “View as PDF) at the bottom of the page under the “Letters & Certificates” section.
What is a site visit?
How do I get the WBENC logo?
Log in to your WBENCLink profile at www.wbenclink.org. Select “Media and Brand Guidelines” under the Certification Center on your homepage dashboard.
How do I get more involved with WBEC Metro NY and Greater DMV?
There are many ways to get involved, including sponsorship; Corporate Membership; and participation in the Certification Committee, Steering Committee, Awards Committee and site visits. WBEC Metro NY and Greater DMV also encourages all WBEs and WBE advocates to attend WBEC Metro NY and Greater DMV programs held monthly.