
Dina Towbin and Associates LLC

We provide on-demand, tailored marketing services to our clients. Our services include proposal development, editorial and graphic design services, and strategic communications. We have protocols and procedures to further strengthen our virtual presence and be more resilient and agile.

Our firm has been providing marketing services--including writing, editing, and graphic design--for more than 25 years. We can help your business improve its marketing strategy and better align with customer interests.

We believe in the power of communication to help people in developing countries and the USA to achieve their goals in education, health, nutrition, livelihoods, and more!

Business Information

Business (DBA) Name
Dina Towbin and Associates LLC
Business Owner Name
Dina S Towbin
Specify race(s) not listed

Contact Information

920 E 17th St #219, Brooklyn, NY 11230


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